Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seven Weeks...and Nausea

Today ends week 6 and tomorrow begins week 7. 33 more to go! Sounds like forever, right? The baby is the size of a raspberry and most likely has webbed hands and feet.

I thought for sure I'd escaped the nausea...I was wrong. Thankfully it's just been mild so far but definitely unwelcome. The good news is that it means baby is happy and snuggling in. Aunt Chelle thinks it means that the baby is a girl. Don't tell Daniel, but I just have a feeling its a girl, too. I guess we will see in April!

This week we've talked a lot about the necessities, how we'd like to parent, etc. We're tossing around the idea of cloth diapering, and we're searching for a good book to guide us through parenting decisions. I don't know how I got so lucky but my husband is so nurturing, thoughtful, and open minded.

We've decided to redo Daniel's childhood dresser for the nursery. We found a crib we like at Baby Depot, but haven't made any real decisions. We are TRYING to not buy anything until the 2nd trimester but it is SO hard!! Check out my Pinterest for a sneak peek of our "ideas".

This week I have my nurses appointment with my regular OB. If all goes well at my February 8th ultrasound at Shady Grove, I will be released to my regular OB. So, we should have an 8 week ultrasound, then another sometime between weeks 10 and 12. We won't have another until around week 20 when we will find out of the bean is a girl or a boy.

My goal for this week is to not barf, and to make a list of consignment sales to go to this spring/summer!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

First Ultrasound!!

Our first ultrasound was today. Our little bean is snug as a bug in there with a flickering heartbeat we could see on the screen! It's heart rate was 133bpm and we will go back in two weeks for another ultrasound.

According to measurements, I am 6w3d along and our estimated due date is September 16, 2012. According to my nurse, everything is going "textbook perfect" for labs, measurements, etc. Let's just hope it stays that way!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Six Weeks...and everyone I know is pregnant!

Our first ultrasound will be on Wednesday morning. We will have an "official" due date following this appointment. We are SO excited!

I've been keeping busy researching nursery ideas, reviewing travel systems, etc. I think we've settled on nursery themes for a boy and a girl. If I could pay someone to tell me the sex of the baby today I would. SO impatient!!

I'm still feeling great. No serious nausea or barfing. My main complaints are extreme exhaustion in the mid afternoon, evening bloating, and a growing number of smells that I'd prefer to avoid. New this week: turkey sausage. I cannot STAND the smell of it.

Three out of five of my bridesmaids are pregnant with due dates within 2 months of each other. How incredible is that? I'm sure our husbands would appreciate a support group. It's really awesome to have such close friends going through the same things I am. Especially the "say anything" kind of friends.

I wouldn't say I'm having any "cravings" at this point, but I eat chips and salsa every single day. And we had tacos this week. And nachos. That's a lot of Mexican, and its delicious!

I hope the second half of the first trimester FLIES by the way the first did.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

FIVE Weeks Today

Our baby is five weeks old today, and somewhere between the size of a sesame seed and an apple seed. The baby is officially an "embryo", most likely has a heartbeat, spine and a tail =)

I made my first baby purchase yesterday. A box of 240 wipes, 48 newborn diapers, and 100 size 1 diapers with a coupon at Costco for just $18.99. Until we know the sex of the baby, I will only be purchasing disposable and/or staple items.

I have contacted friends and family who were recently pregnant and will be borrowing maternity clothes from many. I am so grateful for their kindness!

Tomorrow morning I will have my 3rd beta test to ensure that everything is going as it should. We should have our first ultrasound on Monday the 23rd. Dan has taken the whole day off and we're bouncing around the idea of browsing Babies R Us afterwards =)

Overall I have been rather symptom free-knock on wood! Random heartburn, gas, and sensitivity to smell but nothing resembling morning sickness, no crazy headaches, nothing serious!

Only 35 more weeks.

Friday, January 13, 2012

We are expecting!

Our journey to parenthood began in March 2011. In June 2011 we were referred to a reproductive endocrinologist/fertility specialist. After lots and lots of testing, we found out that I have irregular ovulation. We did our first monitored round of Clomid with an Ovidrel trigger in November 2011. Our second monitored round of Clomid with the trigger began in December 2011.

I had my first scan on Thursday December 22. We were asked to return in two days, on Christmas Eve, because my follicles were not yet ready to be triggered. On Christmas Eve morning, we were told to trigger on Christmas Day! The waiting is the worst part. This cycle, I decided not to 'test out the trigger'. But, I couldn't help myself! On my 30th birthday, Jan. 2, I started testing out the trigger. By Wednesday the 4th, there was no longer a line on the tests.

Surprisingly, on Friday January 6 there was a second line! Dan was home so I woke him up and showed him. Friday night I took another test-it was also positive. We went to the grocery store and bought MORE tests.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I took a digital test and it popped up "PREGNANT"! We planned to wait to tell everyone, but we were just too excited. I kept testing every morning and every night and the lines just got darker, and darker, and darker. On Wednesday the 11th I went in for my first blood draw--it was true! Definitley pregnant. =)