Friday, January 13, 2012

We are expecting!

Our journey to parenthood began in March 2011. In June 2011 we were referred to a reproductive endocrinologist/fertility specialist. After lots and lots of testing, we found out that I have irregular ovulation. We did our first monitored round of Clomid with an Ovidrel trigger in November 2011. Our second monitored round of Clomid with the trigger began in December 2011.

I had my first scan on Thursday December 22. We were asked to return in two days, on Christmas Eve, because my follicles were not yet ready to be triggered. On Christmas Eve morning, we were told to trigger on Christmas Day! The waiting is the worst part. This cycle, I decided not to 'test out the trigger'. But, I couldn't help myself! On my 30th birthday, Jan. 2, I started testing out the trigger. By Wednesday the 4th, there was no longer a line on the tests.

Surprisingly, on Friday January 6 there was a second line! Dan was home so I woke him up and showed him. Friday night I took another test-it was also positive. We went to the grocery store and bought MORE tests.

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I took a digital test and it popped up "PREGNANT"! We planned to wait to tell everyone, but we were just too excited. I kept testing every morning and every night and the lines just got darker, and darker, and darker. On Wednesday the 11th I went in for my first blood draw--it was true! Definitley pregnant. =)

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