Saturday, January 21, 2012

Six Weeks...and everyone I know is pregnant!

Our first ultrasound will be on Wednesday morning. We will have an "official" due date following this appointment. We are SO excited!

I've been keeping busy researching nursery ideas, reviewing travel systems, etc. I think we've settled on nursery themes for a boy and a girl. If I could pay someone to tell me the sex of the baby today I would. SO impatient!!

I'm still feeling great. No serious nausea or barfing. My main complaints are extreme exhaustion in the mid afternoon, evening bloating, and a growing number of smells that I'd prefer to avoid. New this week: turkey sausage. I cannot STAND the smell of it.

Three out of five of my bridesmaids are pregnant with due dates within 2 months of each other. How incredible is that? I'm sure our husbands would appreciate a support group. It's really awesome to have such close friends going through the same things I am. Especially the "say anything" kind of friends.

I wouldn't say I'm having any "cravings" at this point, but I eat chips and salsa every single day. And we had tacos this week. And nachos. That's a lot of Mexican, and its delicious!

I hope the second half of the first trimester FLIES by the way the first did.

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